Beihilfe Freistaat Bayern

by Bayerische Staatsregierung



With the app, beneficiaries of the Free State of Bavaria can submit receipts digitally to the responsible aid office. To record, you can simply photograph receipts with the app or upload them as PDF files. Please note the processing instructions! The receipts are stored in encrypted form in the app and then transmitted in encrypted form. As soon as the application has been received by the State Office for Finance, the status message "Submission successful" goes to your app.IMPORTANT: The app can only be activated if you are registered in the Employee Service Bavaria portal! (You can find information on this on the app help page).LOGIN AND REGISTRATIONThe prerequisite for use is activation of the app as part of a registration process. The following steps are necessary for this:1) Enter personnel number and date of birth2) Defining a password3) Completion of registration by entering an activation code. The activation code is displayed in the portal "Employee Service Bavaria" under "BeihilfeOnline". It can be scanned via the app or entered manually. After activation you can use the app.ACCESSIBILITYThe app is barrier-free (Link) and is free to use.